If you’re new to waterfront living or looking to replace your rotting jetty with a more durable floating system, then you’re probably not too familiar with pontoons, or what type of residential pontoons are available.
Let me start by saying, pontoons are fantastic – and I’m not just saying that because they are my bread and butter; they really are. Residential pontoons are affordable, versatile and very hardwearing – and best of all, they don’t have anywhere near the upkeep and maintenance of timber jetties.
If you’re interested in having a pontoon constructed on your Gold Coast property, then Micks Marine Maintenance can undoubtedly help you out. We specialise in pontoon sales, maintenance and repairs, and therefore, cover all facets – from sales and installation to after-sales care.
Continue reading as I provide details on three of the most popular types of residential pontoons to consider for your waterfront property.
Piled Pontoons
Piled pontoons are pontoons which are fixed in place by one to four piles. They offer superior strength and durability and are best suited for properties located on rough waterways and for berthing large boats.
Piles are commonly made from concrete, but there are many types. Here at Micks Marine Maintenance, we use 315mm or 400mm In-situ PVC piles, depending on the environment and location. In-situ PVC piles provide an affordable solution for piled pontoons.
With In-situ PVC piles, the pile is installed by a piling barge, and a re-bar cage is then inserted into the pile. The process is completed by filling the pile with a unique concrete mix. The pontoon is then connected to the piles and a gangway connects the pontoon back to land.
Cable Pontoons
Cable pontoons are pontoons which are fixed in place by cables. They are economical and are best suited for properties located on calmer waterways and for berthing smaller boats, jet skis and PWDs.
Cable pontoons are the easiest type of residential pontoon to install and can be permanent or temporary.
A stainless steel cable connects from each end of the pontoon and runs back to each of the two on-shore mooring blocks. The wires cross over each other to form an “X” to provide more stability. The pontoon is then connected to land by a gangway.
Strut Pontoons
Strut pontoons are the final type of residential pontoon to consider. They fix the pontoon into place by using a sturdy aluminium strut/beam, which usually runs parallel to the gangway from the pontoon to an on-shore mooring block.
Take Away Message
Residential pontoons are an excellent investment for any waterfront property. They are affordable and require a lot less maintenance than timber jetties.
If you’re interested in having a pontoon constructed, then know you have three main types to choose from; piled pontoons; which are held in place by piles, cable pontoons; which use cable braces to hold the pontoon in position, and strut pontoons. Strut pontoons use an aluminium arm/beam to keep the pontoon in place.
There are pros and cons to each type of pontoon. Piled pontoons are considered to be the best of the three, however; they are also the most expensive and may not be suitable for all seabeds.
To find out which type of these three residential pontoons is best suited to your location and budget, give me a call on 0431 778 468.